Guided Tour of Leicester Cathedral – Thursday 3rd October

Names are now being taken for what promises to be an informative visit to this newly restored building with 900 years of history as a place of worship. The cost will be £5 per person for the guided tour.

As parking near the Cathedral is limited, we are providing FREE coach transport leaving Lubenham at 1pm. There are 25 seats available which will be allocated on a first-come, first -served basis.  You will also be free to make your own way there if you prefer and there is no limit to the number of people who can participate.

Leicester Cathedral
Leicester Cathedral

The guided tour will last approximately an hour and there will be time for refreshments. The coach will leave at 4pm to return to Lubenham.

If you would like to take part, please contact Margaret Lewis. As a coach booking is involved early commitment to the trip would be appreciated.