The Last Naval Hero – Tuesday 9th April
Roy Smart tells of the astonishing rise to fame and fortune of David, 1st Earl Beatty
April sees the return of one of our most popular speakers Roy Smart, who will tell the extraordinary and fascinating story of David, 1st Earl Beatty.
Beatty rose with meteoric speed from humble Royal Naval Cadet to First Sealord, Statesman and renowned public hero of the Great War. Roy will recount Beatty’s astonishing rise to fame and fortune and his central and controversial part in Jutland, the greatest battle and later the greatest surrender in nautical history. He married the hedonistic American socialite Ethel and lived a ’Downton Abbey’ life-style, much of it here in Leicestershire (he lived at Brooksby Hall and Dingley Hall.) It is a tale of immense riches, marital strife and scandal. What a story!

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