November 2024 Newsletter
A PDF/printable copy of this newsletter is also available here.
LHG needs you!
In January 2022 your committee issued a statement about the future of the Heritage Group asking ‘how long can we carry on?’
This plea resulted in 3 people volunteering to help. Unfortunately ,two have left due to other commitments although we are fortunate that Pip Clements remains and that we were joined by Tess Newman earlier this year. However, Barbara Burbidge has announced that she is retiring from committee at the next AGM which means we shall be looking for a replacement secretary.
The situation, as with so many similar groups, is now critical if we are to carry on as normal. Your committee has already taken the decision to abandon the Summer Supper due to cost and work-load and to restrict Members events to local visits only. We also feel unable to support community events by providing displays, exhibitions and so on or undertake large projects such as the recent Graveyard Survey.
We therefore make no apology for reproducing below the 2022 article in its entirety. Without more help, we may find LHG ceases to exist. A sobering and sad prospect.
Lubenham Heritage Group has always been at the heart of village life, since it started in the summer of 2001. It was recognised that many people were interested in the history and heritage of Lubenham and it has since grown into a lively and thriving group. The well attended monthly meetings, with an emphasis on local topics and speakers, and special events for Members are perhaps the backbone of what we do. However, there is far more to the Heritage Group than that. Over the years and with the help of our Members and friends, we have taken on much larger projects. We have:
- Produced the successful Heritage Trail, which consists of a central information board, leaflet and blue plaques,
- Written the Parish Walks leaflet in conjunction with LCC,
- Published the book Lubenham – a Village History, which received enthusiastic reviews and has sold hundreds of copies.
- Participated in village commemorations such as those for the 2002 and 2012 Queen’s Jubilee and organised large exhibitions including celebrating local Arts and Crafts.
- Ensured that two successful Photographic Competitions have recorded life in Lubenham today.
These are enterprises which we think the Heritage Group and people of the village can be justifiably proud of. However, the average age of the committee is now 76 and we are only too aware that we cannot carry on forever. We no longer have the stamina! We know that some of our current systems, like much of the publicity material, require updating and modernising. In other words, we urgently need other people on the committee, with the energy and enthusiasm to take on new adventures, introduce fresh ideas and working practices.
Speak to any member of the Committee if you would like more information, contact the Secretary, Barbara Burbidge or come along to the AGM which will be on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Onyx Room.
Next month’s meeting – A Canal-side Winter
We welcome our Canal-side friend and member Mary Matts and her Friends, who will give us a seasonal illustrated celebration of stories and recollections of canal life in winter, along with music and songs. Tuesday 10th December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Getting ready
Next year’s Meetings Programme has now been published and copies are available from the desk this evening. We would like to thank Tess Newman for arranging such a wide-ranging and interesting programme including many topics of local interest. We hope you enjoy what is on offer and continue to support LHG.
Memberships Fees
You will be pleased to note that Membership fees will remain as last year – £15 pp with reduced entry fee to meetings of £1.50. You can renew your membership at any LHG meeting from this December or contact our Treasurer Pat Dyke.
Christmas Tree Festival
Esther Hancock and friends are busy getting ready for the Christmas Tree Festival, which starts on Sunday 8th December with the ‘Switch-On’ at the 10.00am Service. The tree will represent the work of LHG. Please check the notices, All Saints Facebook page and Lubenham Lost & Found for further details. Offers of help with Stewarding would be most gratefully received – Rota List in Church to add your names.