November 2023 Newsletter
A PDF/printable copy of this newsletter is also available here.
November Meeting
Tuesday 14th November 2023, 7.30pm, Lubenham Village Hall
“Don’t just book it – Thomas Cook it!”
Pip Clements discusses lesser-known local connections with this famous entrepreneur. Pip’s experiences of Thomas Cook began here in Market Harborough but in his ministry at Barrowden, Rutland, he discovered more about him and his history, nearly culminating in a Thomas Cook Centre based in Barrowden – come and find out more illustrated snippets.
1936 – The Year of the Three Kings
Our final meeting of the year will be on Tuesday 12th December when we look forward to the return of popular and entertaining speaker Roy Smart.
In 1936, following the death of George V, Britain was plunged into the Abdication Crisis, when Edward VIII renounced the throne to marry the woman he loved, making way for the third monarch of that year. Roy Smart will look at the part played by Wallis Simpson, who became a hate figure blamed for ensnaring our King and destabilising the monarchy, but does she deserve this reputation? It is a royal topic which has intrigued generations. (Photo from the Daily Herald Archive at the National Media Museum)

Membership Fees 2024
What do I get for my membership of Lubenham Heritage Group? Well, members enjoy several subsidised events and visits to places of interest, as well as our ever popular free Summer Supper. The Committee met recently to review the situation and, in the light of increasing costs, especially speakers’ fees, we have recommended that the charge for membership in 2024 will be £15 pa. The entry fee to meetings for Members remains at £1.50 per meeting but has increased to £3.50 for non-members. This is the first rise for many years and we hope you understand the reasons for our decision.
You can renew your membership at any LHG meeting from this December or contact our Treasurer Pat Dyke.
2024 Meeting Programme
Next year’s Meetings Programme has now been published and copies are available from the desk this month (our website holds both on-line and PDF/printable versions of the programme). We do hope you enjoy what we have arranged, with several topics of local interest and the return of some of our most popular speakers. We begin with the visit of Helen Frost on 9th January 2024 who will look at the less known but valuable work of the Women’s Land Army in World War 1.
Christmas Tree Festival
This year the LHG Christmas Tree will take our Village Trail as its theme with images of the blue plaques around the village and photos of the houses involved. The planning team has worked hard and the tree should look splendid! Please come along to look at it and all the others decorated by village groups and organisations.
This is the 4th Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints Church and runs from 10th – 17thDecember.
Also don’t forget that this year the Festival will have a larger tree outside the west end of the Church to be set up on Saturday 9th December and decorated by villagers during the afternoon, ending with Carols round the Tree at 5.30pm.