February 2023 Newsletter
The February 2023 Newsletter is available online, click here for all the details on the following items:
- The February meeting on Valentines Day, February 14th, when we welcome Dr Colin Cohen who will take us on a tour around some of the famous and not so famous places of worship sung about in the nursery rhyme, ‘Oranges and Lemons say the bells of St Clement’s….’, but which ‘St Clement’?
- Our Annual Quiz Night with Bangers ‘n Mash supper on Tuesday 14th March. Tickets are £10 per person and places can be booked by contacting Pat Dyke or John Butlin, see the February Newsletter for full details.
- A Members only guided visit to Donington le Heath on Wednesday 10th May at 1:00 am, see the February Newsletter for full details.
- Our Book Collection has been sorted; we have a number of titles that may be of interest to members, see the February Newsletter for more details. Please help us locate some items, which have been mislaid and scour your bookshelves if you have borrowed a book and inadvertently forgotten to return it.
- A reminder that our 2023 membership fees, which remain at £10, and are now due;
- Our AGM, which takes place on Tuesday 28th February at 7.30pm in the Onyx Room.