December 2023 Newsletter

A PDF/printable copy of this newsletter is also available here.

Women’s Land Army in World War One

We are all familiar with the stoic work of the Women’s Land Army in WWII.  Early last year LHG member Deborah Seabrook gave us an excellent talk on the subject and we have Pat Fox’s wonderful reminiscences in her book ‘Bless ‘Em All: Life in the Woman’s Land Army in Lubenham’.  However, how many of us know about the similar organisation in World War I when 23,000 women were recruited to work full time on the land, replacing male farmers and workers who had gone to war?

In next month’s meeting, lecturer and author Helen Frost will tell us more and give us an insight into the incredible contribution made by this often forgotten and largely overlooked group of women. 

(Image © IWM. Original Source:

Helen Frost: The Women’s Land Army of World War One
Tuesday 9th January 2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall 

Christmas Tree Festival

Don’t forget to look in on the Christmas Tree Festival in All Saints Church which runs until 17th December with the annual Carol Service at 4.00pm on Sunday 18th. The LHG tree is situated in the chancel – we hope you like it!

Membership Fees 2024

Don’t forget you can renew your membership at tonight’s or any following meeting or contact our Treasurer Pat Dyke.

What do I get for my membership of Lubenham Heritage Group? Well, members enjoy several subsidised events and visits to places of interest, as well as our ever popular free Summer Supper. The Committee met recently to review the situation and, in the light of increasing costs, especially speakers’ fees, we have recommended that the charge for membership in 2024 will be £15 pa. The entry fee to meetings for Members remains at £1.50 per meeting but has increased to £3.50 for non-members.  This is the first rise for many years and we hope you understand the reasons for our decision.  

Events for Next Year

You should have already received a copy of the 2024 Meetings Programme – if not, a copy is available via our website, or contact Barbara Burbidge. We hope you enjoy what has been arranged.

You will be pleased to know that Margaret is working hard on producing an interesting and varied programme of visits and events for next year and details will be published shortly.

And Finally …..

The Committee would like to thank everyone who has helped during this year giving talks, organising events and helping with the Annual Quiz and Summer Supper.  Special thanks must go to Linda Straw for arranging the raffle and Peter White who organises the website so efficiently.  Neither is a member of the committee but they work very hard to support us.

We send Season’s Greetings and best wishes to all our Members and friends.  See you next year!

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