August 2024 Newsletter
A PDF/printable copy of this newsletter is also available here.
Spilling the Beans! A history of coffee.
Our love affair with the coffee bean goes back several centuries, before becoming a popular drink on the high street and at home. In the 17th century it was believed that coffee had medicinal properties; in the 1600’s Pope Clement gave his permission for Catholics to drink it and the first Coffee House opened in England.
Next month we welcome back popular speaker Sandy Leong to get our taste buds tingling! At previous meetings she has told us about tea and beer – now it is the turn of coffee.
Sandy Leong: Spilling the Beans!
Tuesday 10th September 2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Annual Summer Supper
Don’t forget this coming Saturday, 17th August, is the date of this year’s Summer Supper. If you haven’t given your name already, please do so at the August meeting. We need to know how many people are coming for catering purposes.
Remember, the event is free to all LHG members but guests and non-members are welcome at £5.00 per head. We provide the food and soft drinks, but if you prefer something stronger, you need to bring your own bottle. There will be a raffle and one of David’s short fun quizzes!
Members Summer Supper
Saturday 17th August, 6.30pm in the Village Hall
Note the start time of 6.30pm. It is always a fun evening and we look forward to seeing you
Land Army of World War 1
You will no doubt remember the lively and fascinating talk given by Helen Frost in January of this year on the Women’s Land Army of WWI. You may be interested to know that Helen’s book ‘Voices of the Great War – the Women’s Land Army’ will be published on October 30th and is available to pre-order online from WH Smith, Waterstones etc. Barbara has further details and the press release.
Members Only Visit – Leicester Cathedral
Thursday 3rd October
Names are still being taken for what promises to be an informative visit but the places on the coach have all been spoken for. I will be keeping a waiting list in case anyone drops out and you can still attend the tour if you are able to make your own way there. The cost will be £5 per person for the guided tour which will last approximately an hour and there will be time for refreshments.
If you would like to take part, please contact Margaret Lewis.
Suggestions for Members Only visits for next year are invited so put your thinking caps on!
Heritage Group Book Collection
Don’t forget the Heritage Group has a collection of books, mainly on topics of local interest, which can be borrowed by members. The books are normally on display on the trolley at our monthly meetings. Just select what you would like to borrow, bring the items to the desk and we will issue them. No fees, no fines and you can borrow what you like!