Lubenham – Our Heritage and History

Lubenham Heritage Group Logo

The Lubenham Heritage Group

is a member of the British Association for Local History and was formed in 2001 after it was recognised that many people were interested in the history and heritage of the village and surrounding area.  It is a lively and thriving group which takes an active role in the life and affairs of the community.

Next Open Meeting and Next Event for Members

(Please click the Title of a meeting or event to see the full post)

  • Managing the Wildlife of Bradgate Park – 8th April 2025 – Robb Doyle

    Managing the Wildlife of Bradgate Park

    Bradgate Park is a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and this talk takes a look at the five main habitats found in Bradgate Park that make it such a special place.  The key habitats are; Wet Heathland,  Acid Grassland, Dry Stone Walls, Ancient Trees and Water Courses.  The plant life and wildlife for each habitat will be reviewed along with habitat management tasks.  There will be images of the large Red Deer down to the smallest insects.  The talk will also look at how human interventions past and present form this fabulous site in the Charnwood Forest.

    Please click here or on the image to see more of the Bradgate Park Wildlife.

    Managing the Wildlife off Bradgate Park

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  • Snibston Colliery Visit – Tuesday 29th April at 10:30 am

    Names are now being taken for the first “Members Only” visit of 2025. Snibston Colliery Park is situated adjacent to the Century Theatre, off Ashby Road, Coalville, LE67 3LN, about 34 miles and 50 minutes drive from Lubenham. There is a café and car parking (currently £3 per day) on site and more parking in nearby streets and a town carpark 10 minutes away.

    Snibston Colliery, Coalville
    Snibston Colliery, Coalville

    Please meet in the café ready to start the tour at 10.30. We will be guided by a former miner and shown the type of machinery used underground and various colliery buildings. As we will not be going underground there is a mine simulation. We will also have some costumed re-enactors telling stories of the mine. I expect the visit to last 1.5 to 2 hours.

    I am advised that the café is very good and so you may want to arrive in time for coffee before the tour or stay for lunch afterwards. I understand they serve soups and sandwiches and hot and cold drinks. 

    The visit is free for members and £5 per head for non-members, payable on the day in cash. Please contact Margaret Lewis if you would like to take part.

Lubenham History

The Group also carries out research into topics of special interest to the village and projects such as the book Lubenham – a Village History, the Lubenham Heritage Trail and a Lubenham Parish Walks Leaflet.

Interested in Joining Us?

We are a very friendly and informal group and new members and friends are always welcome!

Please drop us an email to find out more about us or to ask about joining, click here.

Click the Facebook ICON and follow us on our Lubenham Heritage Group Facebook site, which is Private and only viewable by members of our group. If you would like to view our Facebook material, please click the orange button after entering our Facebook site and ask to “Join Group”).